The Missing Link.HIF is the missing link between temporary relief and sustainable solutions. We target the root drivers of outcomes: People and communities. It makes all the difference.
Our focus on strengthening fundamentals of individuals and communities is the counterbalance to unprecedented access to tech, information, talent, and fortunes. Without our comprehensive approach, these resources create one dimensional impact. Challenges will continue to be passed onto future generations. HIF is leading the way to securing our future. |
At Our Core, HIF Is..... |
Human Centric.People are our most prolific resource. We believe focusing on developing people who are consistent and agile thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators will create transcendent impact. Such people will maximize available tools, resources, talent, and thrive in the 21st century. |
Balanced.We strive to avoid one-dimensional impact by balancing direct action, support, and research. HIF is committed to being an agile and relevant resource building scalable, sustainable outcomes. |
An Alternative.Rather than chase consequences of challenges, HIF strengthens fundamental skills of people and strengthens tools, resources, and organization critical to community health. We are improving performance of elements needed to thrive in 21st century. |
We Move the Needle.
Scaling Impact.
OutreachHIF's outreach is the catalyst of our impact and funding generation. HIF follows a methodical plan to expand impact and geographic presence. We use: Artist Network, HIF Centers, and Licensing. |
New PlatformsNeeds are constantly shifting. We must be agile to be reliable. So, HIF develops new models of impact built upon our Phase-1 Models. They provide additional pathways of working with new communities, and engaging new need-sets. |
PartnershipsSustainable solutions demand we go beyond unilateral efforts. We cannot work alone. Partnerships, sponsors, and collaboration enhance HIF's performance and secure our future. |
HIF Needs Your SupportPlease consider making a contribution to HIF
of $1 - $5 dollars. |
Invest In Our Collective Future.
Not every investment is equal. How your money is applied matters. HIF is proud of its transparency to our supporters, and works hard to ensure we are a sustainable organization yielding exponential, compounding impact.
ImpactThe majority of funding is translated into delivery of impact platforms to communities in need. This is then leveraged into exposure, growth, and expansion into communities who can afford programming fees.
DevelopmentThe ability for HIF to be a relevant and reliable organization is based on our capacity to adapt and grow our services. HIF is continuously developing new platforms of impact to provide support throughout the US and the World.
Self-SustainabilityIt is HIF's goal to be operationally self-sustainable within 5-Years. Our plan is defined as our Secure Future Campaign. As a result, HIF will be able to lower reliance on donors and external funding yr/yr.
“A healthy society equals a healthy business.”
This point, which resonated at the CECP 2014 Summit, underscores this corporate leader coalition’s unifying belief that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance. - Lynne E. Sterns, Corporate Social Responsibility & the Arts |
Self-SustainabilityAchieving organizational sustainability is vital to our capacity as a resource to communities and our value to contributors. Our sustainability strategy will secure our future and ensure we achieve our increasingly, vital work. |